Monday 23 May 2016

Never-before-seen photos of Edward VIII and his mistress Wallis Simpson on a controversial cruise that triggered the start of his abdication crisis

A shirtless Edward VIII on his controversial holiday to Greece in 1936
A shirtless Edward VIII on his controversial holiday to Greece in 1936 CREDIT:KERRYTAYLOR/BNP

Never-before-seen private photos of King Edward VIII and his mistress Wallis Simpson on a controversial cruise that triggered the start of the his abdication crisis have been discovered.
The lost photo album of 200 holiday snaps has been locked in a safe for the last 80 years along with a treasure trove of gifts and mementos relating to the playboy monarch and his divorcee lover.
Wallis Simpson (left) on the controversial holiday to Greece in August 1936
Wallis Simpson, left, on the controversial holiday to Greece in August 1936 CREDIT: BNPS
It has now been uncovered by the granddaughter of Herman Rogers, who along with his wife Katherine, was great friends of the couple and joined them on the cruise around the Adriatic Sea.
Against the advice of his government, Edward went on an extended summer holiday with American socialite Wallis in the first year of his reign in 1936.
Mr Rogers took the photos of the couple, whose illicit relationship at that stage was not known to the British public.
The black and white photos include ones of them swimming in the sea, enjoying picnics and of a bare-chested and scrawny-looking Edward posing in front of a Greek beauty spot.
A shirtless Edward Vlll on his controversial holiday to Greece in August 1936
A shirtless Edward Vlll on his controversial holiday to Greece in August 1936 CREDIT: BNPS
When they returned to Britain the foursome continued the festivities at Balmoral Castle in Scotland and there are more photos showing the King amusingly dressed in a deer-stalking cloak with his cousin, Louis Mountbatten, stood next to him.
The news was met with widespread disapproval by the Church of England as Wallis was a divorcee and also caused a major public scandal.
By December of that year Edward chose to abdicate the throne so he could marry Wallis. His younger brother, George VI, then became King.
As well as the photo album, the newly-discovered archive includes a beautiful gold Cartier cigarette case Edward and Wallis gifted to Mr Rogers at their wedding in June 1937.
Edward VIII and Wallis at Balmoral with Kathrine Rogers in September 1936
Edward VIII and Wallis at Balmoral with Kathrine Rogers in September 1936 CREDIT: BNPS
Mr Rogers gave Wallis away and on the inside lid of the case is an inscription that reads 'We will never forget a great friendship. Edward and Wallis.'
The dates beneath the wording - December 5, 1936 and June 3, 1937 - are for when Edward abdicated and their wedding.
The items have been locked away in a safe for generations at the Rogers' family home in Canada and have now been unearthed by his granddaughter.
They are now coming up for sale in London for a total estimate of £60,000.
Auctioneer Kerry Taylor said: "You think you have seen it all and there is nothing left to come out and then something fresh and quite exciting emerges for the first time after all these years.
"This archive hasn't been seen before. It has literally been in a safe in a basement of a house in Canada for the last 80 years.
"Herman Rogers' granddaughter didn't really know about it but luckily realised it was of great importance when it was found. She doesn't feel emotionally attached to the items and has decided to sell them.
"The photographs are quite remarkable.
"This was in August 1936 and at that stage the British public knew nothing of Edward's relationship with Wallis.
"He had only been King for a few months and decided to charter a yacht, The Nahlin, and go off on this cruise with Wallis. The Prime Minister advised against it but Edward pretty much said that he was King and he could do what he liked
The Royal party were on board of the SY Nahlin during their Greek holiday
The Royal party were on board of the SY Nahlin during their Greek holiday CREDIT: BNPS
"The Rogers joined them and were very savvy with a lot of foresight because they realised they in the middle of something very historic and took photographs and kept mementoes from this time.
"The photos clearly illustrate the romance and growing closeness between Edward and Wallis, who was still married at the time. They are lovely photos and show a happy couple who are quite carefree.
"The King is shown swimming and sunbathing bare-chested. This was Queen Victoria's grandson and for Edward to be seen in public bare-chested was quite extraordinary.
"Wallis is seen sporting rather unflattering rubber bathing hats and elasticated one piece swimsuits.
"In these pictures Wallis was thinking that she was going to be the next Queen of the United Kingdom, they didn't know of what was coming round the corner.
"After the cruise Edward didn't want the party to end and insisted they all go to Balmoral afterwards.
"It is astonishing to see any private Royal photographs but to find 200 of them in one album that chart the illicit romance of the king who gave away his Empire for the woman he loved is just remarkable."
The album is valued at £3,000.
The cigarette holder Edward VIII and Wallis gave the couple after their marriage
The cigarette holder Edward VIII and Wallis gave the couple after their marriage CREDIT:BNPS
The Cartier sapphire encrusted cigarette case Edward and Wallis gave to Mr Rogers is valued at £30,000 while a matching compact case gifted to Mrs Rogers is worth £20,000.
The guest book for the couple's villa in Cannes, south of France, that documents VIPs who visited them in the 1920s and '30s is also for sale.
Wallis, who was great friends with the Rogers before she met Edward, visited the villa regularly and signed her name according to who she was married to at the time.
In June 1923 she signed as Wallis Warfield Spencer, having married Earl Spencer in 1916 and then in 1929 she signed as Wallis Warfield Simpson, having married her second husband Ernest Simpson in 1928.
The guest book is valued at £5,000.
There is also Balmoral-headed stationery that still bears black edging tomark the mourning of the death of Edward's father, King George V.
The piece of paper is signed by Edward, Wallis and Louis Mountbatten. It is valued at £3,000.
Other gifts for sale nclude an 18th century engraved silver salver, given by Edward and Wallis when they were the Duke and Duchess of Windsor after the abdication crisis. It is valued at £3,000.
And a 1823 silver-gilt snuff box given by them to the Rogers at Christmas 1948 and worth £3,000 makes up the archive.
The items will be sold at Kerry Taylor Auctions on June 14.

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