Tuesday 24 May 2016

Preliminary examination suggests blast aboard EgyptAir plane before crash

CAIRO, May 24 (Xinhua) -- The human remains retrieved from the wreckage of anEgyptAir plane suggest that there was an explosion aboard before its crash in the Mediterranean Sea, local media quoted sources from Egyptian Forensic Authority as saying on Tuesday.
The preliminary examination of the small size of body parts recovered from the sea found that they are in the same condition after falling from the plane, and haven't been preyed by sharks, according to the sources.
The final report of the forensic authority will unveil whether the explosion was caused by a bomb or other reasons.
Early on Thursday, EgyptAir's Airbus A320 disappeared from radar screens en route from Paris to Cairo with 66 people aboard, including 30 Egyptians and 15 French.
The Egyptian armed forces on Friday found parts of debris from the crashed plane 290 kilometers north of the coastal city of Alexandria.
On Sunday, President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi ordered a robot submarine from the Oil Ministry to search for the plane's two black boxes, may be 3,000 meters deep.

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